Tuesday 20 January 2009

Adieu - Mon dieu

Ahh, Old Albion. Will I ever again see her majesty again, this land we call home? Will I feel the pull of her history, remember the stoicism of her people, this island that is forever England?

Oh, come on, I'm only in Libya for for five weeks - I'll be back at the end of February, you know that miserable month of gun-metal grey skies and bleak, miserable, evenings spent around the two lumps of coal you've been saving for a really bad cold snap...

Book is coming along well, I am, all but finished, and will soon be handing it over to Slash the Editor to decimate. He has also found an agent that is interested - that is to say said agent owes a friend of a friend of his a favour and she is prepared to read the first paragraph to discharge herself from it. Who knows, I might just surprise her, first paragraphs are something of a speciality of mine.

I shall report back on my Libyan adventure regularly, if I am able to access my Blog from there. If not I will think of other ingenious ways to entertain you. None of these will include anything remotely illegal in a country that likes to deliver justice slightly more robustly than our own...

Now, back to packing... will I need those long- johns...

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